My Space Adventure
My Space Adventure is a free creative competition aimed at sparking inspiration and inspiring creativity.
We want you to have fun, get creative, and share your awesome ideas with us and your friends!
This year, we're running two competitions side by side. A character creation competition for ages 5 - 8 and a short story competition for ages 8 - 12.
Closing Date Monday 15th April 2024
We know we're going to love all of your creations, and our team of writers are going to choose some of their favourites to receive a prize.
Winning entries will receive
A Creative Writing Goody Bag (with age appropriate resources)
Your creation published in our annual book
An invite to our book launch party for you and 2 guests in December
A copy of the new book to take home from the party
Character Creation Competition
For ages 5 - 8
Draw a picture of your alien creation
Include anything you want us to know about them. (Name, age, favourite food...)
Get creative and design a new alien character. Will it have three heads? Tentacles instead of legs? Your imagination is the limit. So blast off into outer space and imagine what kind of characters you might meet.
Short Story
For ages 8 - 12
500 - 1500 words
Write about your own Space Adventure
Will you write about an alien crash landing in your garden? Or setting off to explore deep space. Will you write about the mythology of the stars? Or your first day at intergalactic space school?
Whatever you choose to write about, as long as it's inspired by space, we want to read it!
Group Entries
If you'd like to submit more than one entry, please send them to:
Subject title: My Space Adventure
Creator's Name & Age
Parent/guardian/teacher contact email
Drop Off In Person​
You can also drop off your picture creation in person at:
Pace Youth Theatre
Top Floor of the Paisley Centre
2 high Street Paisley